Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Irensaga Cottage

 20:20 Debra Carne 45 Turns Over a Card

The Card is Divided into Four Sections, At The Center of The Card Where The Four Sections Meet, See The Symbol 'Ra' in Gold
On The Top Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Megyn Kelly. Megyn Kelly Stands On Top of The Word 'PISTOL', 'PISTOL' is in Black. Megyn Kelly Wears Black Leather Knee-High Boots; Black Fishnet Leggings; Cut-Off Faded Blue Jean Short Shorts; a Gold Belly Chain with a Diamond-Studded Gold '86' Pendant; Gold Nipple Tassles; a Black High-Collared Cape; a Mini 7-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a Silver Bullet Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Glowing White Tiara. See a Glowing Blue '+72' on Each of Megyn Kelly's Boots; See a Glowing Blue '+44' on The Left Leg of Her Leggings; See a Glowing Pink '+72' on Her Shorts; See a Glowing Pink 'KOx2' on Her Belly Chain; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Her Cape; See a Glowing Red '-180' on Her Tiara. Above Megyn Kelly, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'STAR', Above 'STAR', See '4395365' in Black. With Her Right Hand, Megyn Kelly Holds a Gold TEC-9, See a Glowing Blue '+81' on The TEC-9. With Her Left Hand, Megyn Kelly Holds a Pee-Chee Folder, See 'PROGRAM' in Blue on The Folder.
To Megyn Kelly's Right, See an Image of Diane Neal. Diane Neal Stands On Top of a Gold '38'. Diane Neal Wears Gold Bunny Slippers; Black Fishnet Stockings; a Bronze Garter on Her Left Thigh; Black Panties; a Gold Link Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Gold 'SOPHIA' Pendant; a Black Leather Opera Glove On Her Upper Left Hand&Arm; a Red Leather Opera Glove On Her Lower Left Hand&Arm; a Blue Leather Opera Glove On Her Upper Right Hand&Arm; a Green Leather Opera Glove On Her Lower Right Hand&Arm; a Double-Strand Pearl Bracelet on Her Upper Right Wrist; a Mini 14-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Gold '41' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear. See a Glowing Blue '+80' on Each of Diane Neal's Bunny Slippers; See a Glowing Gold '+34' on Each of Her Stockings; See The Word 'Strain' in Black on Her Garter; See a Gold '?' on The Front of Her Panties; See a Glowing Gold '+90' on Each of Her Opera Gloves. A Pair of White Impala Horns Are Attached to Diane Neal's Head; See a Glowing Red '-180' on Each of Her Horns. See a Super Mario Mushroom Between Her Horns; See a Gold Centipede on Her Left Horn. A Pair of Black Angel Wings Are Attached to Diane Neal's Back; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of Her Wings. Above Diane Neal's Horns; See a Nautilus Shell. Diane Neal Has Four Arms:
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Pair of Pliers
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Green Tambourine; See '63665' in Gold on The Tambourine
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a 10 of Diamonds Card
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Bunch of Red Grapes.
To Megyn Kelly's Left, See an Image of Lucy Hale. Lucy Hale is Mounted On a Gold Hexagon. Lucy Hale is Nude, Her Arms&Legs Have Been Removed. See a Black Centipede on Lucy Hale's Vagina. See a Black '66' Between Lucy Hale's Breasts. See a Blue CBS Eye on Lucy Hale's Forehead. See a Glowing Gold Coin in Lucy Hale's Open Mouth. A Pair of Black Antelope Horns are Attached to Lucy Hale's Head, See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each Horn; See 2 Glowing Green Centipedes on Lucy Hale's Right Horn. See a 3 of Clubs Card Between Lucy Hale's Horns. Above The Gold Hexagon, See The Word 'Embed' in Black. Below The Gold Hexagon, See a Monitor Lizard.
The Background on The Section is Pink.
At Top Center on Section, See a White 12-Hour Clock Face with Black Hour Markers and Black Arms.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Coconut.
On The Bottom Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Margie Phelps. Margie Phelps Stands On Top of The Word 'FILE', 'FILE' is in Gold. Margie Phelps Wears Black Timberland Boots; Black Socks; a Gray Wool Skirt, See The Word 'Radical' in Red on Margie Phelps' Skirt; a Long-Sleeved Buttoned-Up Black Silk Blouse; Black Leather Gloves; and a Gold Queen's Crown. See a Glowing Blue '+110' on Each of Her Boots; See a Glowing Gold '+33' on Each of Her Socks; See a Glowing Red '-180' on Her Skirt; See a Glowing Gold 'Squid+Ti' on Her Blouse; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Her Crown. Above Margie Phelps, See a Router; Above The Router, See '2244i34' in Red. With Her Right Hand, Margie Phelps Holds a 3 of Spades Card. With Her Left Hand, Margie Phelps Holds a Rectangular Black Box Labeled 'M104 Pack' in Gold.
To Margie Phelps' Left, See an Image of Kelly Cass. Kelly Cass Stands On Top of a Gold '28'. Kelly Cass Wears Black Timberland Boots; a Black Boiler Suit; Black Leather Gloves; and a Black Mesh Cap, See a Gold '$' on The Front of Kelly Cass' Mesh Cap. See a Glowing Gold '+180' on Each of Kelly Cass' Boots; See a Glowing Blue '+72' on Her Mesh Cap. On Kelly Cass' Boiler Suit, See a Transistor Radio, a Golf Ball, a Calabash Pipe, a Stethoscope, a Glowing White Keyhole, and a Gold '67'. Above Kelly Cass, See a Rotary Dial. With Her Right Hand, Kelly Cass Holds a Pee-Chee Folder.
To Margie Phelps' Right, See an Image of Edurne Ganem. Edurne Ganem Stands On Top of a Black '28'. Edurne Ganem Wears Green Galoshes; a Buttoned-Up Green Leather Trench Coat; Red Leather Gloves; a Mini 13-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a Mini 15-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Black Gainsborough Hat with a Green Lace Band, a Blue Flower, a Gold Flower, a Pink Feather, a Reel of Audio Tape, a Sugar Glider, and a Closed Zippo Lighter. Above Edurne Ganem, See The Name 'KOALA' in Platinum. See a Platinum Queen's Crown On Top of 'KOALA'. With Both Hands, Edurne Ganem Holds a Gold-Framed Hexagonal Mirror in Front of Her Abdomen.
The Background on The Section is White.
At Top Center on Section, See a 5 of Hearts Card.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Webcam.
On The Bottom Right Section of The Card, See a Silver Woman with Black Hair. The Silver Woman Stands On Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'CHARGE'. The Silver Woman Wears Black Leather Thigh-High Boots; a Black Leather Mini-Skirt; a Black High Collared Cape; and a Black Witch's Hat with an Orange Band, See The Word 'Plasma' in Black on The Band. See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of The Woman's Boots; See a Glowing Blue '+220' on Her Skirt; See a Glowing Red '-180' on Her Cape; See a Glowing White Keyhole on Her Hat. Above The Silver Woman, See The Name 'TAYGETE' in Black. Above 'TAYGETE', See '22j4535' in Gold. With Her Right Hand, The Silver Woman Holds a Gold Candlestick; See a Lit White Candle in The Candlestick; See a Glowing Blue '+110' on The Candle. With Her Left Hand, The Silver Woman Holds a Blue Hitachi Magic Wand With a Gold Head; See a Glowing White '+180' on The Magic Wand; See a Glowing Red '-180' on The Magic Wand.
To The Silver Woman's Right, See a Wurlitzer 1015 Jukebox. Above The Jukebox, See a Blue 12-Hour Clock Face with Black Hour Markers and Glowing Red Arms. In Front of The Base of The Jukebox, See 2 Savannah Cats Mating.
To The Silver Woman's Left, See a Red,White&Silver Vortex; See a Pee-Chee Folder at The Eye of The Vortex; See a Green '18' on The Pee-Chee Folder. Above The Pee-Chee Folder, See a Black 'U'; Below The Pee-Chee Folder, See a Black 'G'; To The Right of The Pee-Chee Folder, See a Black 'A'; To The Left of The Pee-Chee Folder, See a Black 'C'. Above The Vortex, See a Neon Red Sign That Displays 'PISTOL STAR'. Below The Vortex, See 'Nuclear Transmutation' in Gold.
The Background on The Section is Cement Gray.
At Top Center on Section, See a Disco Ball.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Hexagonal Mirror, See Darlene Ferrin's Face Reflected on The Mirror.
On The Top Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Emily Dickinson. Emily Dickinson Stands On Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'DRIVER'. Emily Dickinson Wears a Hooded Black Robe; On Emily Dickinson's Robe, See a Sea-Turtle, a Gold Myrtle Tree, a Silver Tractor, a Box of Matches, a Bronze Hatchet, an Empty Jar, a Gold Cassette Tape, a 16-Keypad, a Metronome, and a Connect Four Game. Above Emily Dickinson, See The Name 'Dickinson' in White. Above 'Dickinson', See '53345' in Gold. With Her Right Hand, Emily Dickinson Holds a Jack of Spades Card. With Her Left Hand, Emily Dickinson Holds a Red Tambourine; See a Gold 'M104' on The Tambourine.
To Emily Dickinson's Right, See an Image of Elisabeth Röhm. Elisabeth Röhm Stands On Top of a Neon Red Sign That Displays 'SEX'. Elisabeth Röhm Wears White Leather Knee-High Boots; a White Fishnet Bodysuit; a Platinum,Diamond&Blue Topaz Chandelier Necklace; 4 Diamond-Studded Platinum Bangle Bracelets on Her Right Wrist; 1 Platinum Cuff Bracelet on Her Left Wrist; a Mini 8-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a Mini 9-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Platinum Queen's Crown. See a Glowing Blue '+220' on Each of Elisabeth Röhm's Boots; See a Glowing Blue '+272' on Her Body Suit; See a Glowing Blue '+666' on Her Vagina; See a Glowing Red 'Lust+96' on Her Necklace; See The Word 'Concept' in Black on Her Crown. A Pair of Silver Angel Wings are Attached to Elisabeth Röhm's Back; See a Glowing Blue '+1800' on Each of Her Wings; See a Glowing Red '-1800' on Each of Her Wings. Above Elisabeth Röhm, See a Printed Circuit Board. With Her Right Hand, Elisabeth Röhm Holds a Black Bullwhip; See a Glowing Red '-666' on The Bullwhip. With Her Left Hand, Elisabeth Röhm Holds a Rectangular White Box Labeled '66/6 Installer' in Red.
To Emily Dickinson's Left, See a Closed Black Safe. See a Gold '99' on The Door of The Safe. Above The Safe, See a Gold Ram's Head with Razor-Wire Wrapped Around The Horns. See a Glowing Green Centipede and a Black Centipede on The Ram's Head. A Rottweiler is Lying Down in Front of The Safe, The Rottweiler is Chewing on a Bone.
The Background on The Section is Teal.
At Top Center on Section, See The Name 'Rabies' in Gold.
At Bottom Center on Section, See The Term 'Ware' in Gold.
<Amy Ratcliffe #Codex>
>#An Ton #De Fy #Ti Po #Go La #Su Vy #By Hu #Ra Ko #Me Ni #Ni Me #Ko Ra #Hu By #Vy Su #La Go #Po Ti #Fy De #Ton An<

January 13, 2022 at 10:19 PM
March 22, 2021 at 7:32 PM
March 22, 2021 at 7:31 PM
November 22, 2020 at 9:32 PM
#Pathogenesis 1010 Daria Moroz
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con ⮅ Tail ⬙ #ELF
20:20 #SexDrive ⭻ 0001 ⮔ ⮄ 1
#HyperVicious #DataDemon
#Reiteration #Engine
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

#Pathogenesis 1001 Daria Moroz
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con ⮆ UTR ⬗ 109
20:20 #SexDrive ⭼ 0010 ⮔ ⮇
Untranslated Region
20:20 #MetaFactors
20:20 #Form-ulating
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

#Pathogenesis 1000 Daria Moroz
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con ⮇ RePort ⬘ 85
20:20 #SexDrive ⭽ 0011 ⮔ ⮆ 10
03/30/21 to 03/30/22
Use the enemies' relentless
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
on Raymo's Neuro&Psych
Between Those Dates

#Pathogenesis 0111 Daria Moroz
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con ⮄ CDS ⬖ 64
20:20 #SexDrive ⭺ 0100 ⮔ ⮅ 19
An @De Ti Go <000>
An De Ti @Go <111>
An De @Ti Go <222>
An De Ti #Go <333>
#M104 #Accelerator

#Pathogenesis 0110 Daria Moroz
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con ⮅ CDS ⬙ 46
20:20 #SexDrive ⭻ 0101 ⮔ ⮄ 31
#Reiteration #Engine
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

#Pathogenesis 0101 Daria Moroz
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con ⮆ CDS ⬗ 31
20:20 #SexDrive ⭼ 0110 ⮔ ⮇ 46
20:20 #Defense Against
24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

#Pathogenesis 0100 Daria Moroz
(-)ssRNA Virus Con ⮇ #AUG ⬘ 19
20:20 #SexDrive ⭽ 0111 ⮔ ⮆ 64
Shimma Shimma
#AHSV #Deliver #Analog
40 40 AHSV
20:20 RAPID
66/6 #InferenceEngine

#Pathogenesis 0011 Daria Moroz
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con ⮄ UTR ⬖ 10
20:20 #SexDrive ⭺ 1000 ⮔ ⮅ 85
Untranslated Region
20:20 #MetaFactors
20:20 #Form-ulating
20:20 #Defense Against
24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

#Pathogenesis 0010 Daria Moroz
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con ⮅ IRES ⬙
20:20 #SexDrive ⭻ 1001 ⮔ ⮄ 109
20:20 Re-#Cord
#Re-Cord #Score
Like an Addict I Re-#Load
20:20 #Defense Against
24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

#Pathogenesis 0001 Daria Moroz
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con ⮔ #Cap ⬗ 1
20:20 #SexDrive ⮸ 1010 ⮔ ⮇ ELF
#Cult-ivate #RabolaCrystals
This is The Super Virus Game
Smash On that punk ass
enemy psy ops program
WE ARE 66/6

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The Devil's House

  20:20 Abigail Folger 99 Turns Over a Card The Card is Divided into 4 Sections, at The Center of The Card where The 4 Sections Meet, See an...