Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Ganem Cottage

 20:20 Sharon Tate 48 Turns Over a Card

The Card is Divided into 4 Sections, at The Center of The Card where The 4 Sections Meet, See a Platinum Pistol
In The Upper Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Jen York. Jen York Sits on a Platinum Throne with White Cushions and 2 Dragon Heads for Armrests; The Dragon Head On The Right Holds a Rubik's Cube in Its Mouth; The Dragon Head on The Left Holds a Can of V8 Juice in Its Mouth. See an Arctic Fox on Top of The Throne's Backrest. Above The Arctic Fox, See '$140 Million' in Green, Above '$140 Million', See '1348451' in Black. Jen York Wears a Platinum Ball Gown, a Platinum Link Chain Necklace and a Platinum Queen's Crown. See a Black '63ε' on Jen York's Crown. With Both Hands, Jen York Holds a Bronze C-3PO Head on Her Lap; See '63665' in Red on The C-3PO Head.
To Jen York's Right, See an Image of Monica Crowley. Monica Crowley Stands On Top of a Platinum 'WM'. Monica Crowley is Nude, Her Body and Face are Painted Platinum. See a Black Keyhole Between Monica Crowley's Breasts. Monica Crowley has Four Arms:
With Monica Crowley's Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Rectangular Black Box Labeled 'M104 Works' in White.
With Monica Crowley's Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Black Signal Whip; See a Glowing Gold '+57' on The Whip.
With Monica Crowley's Upper Right Hand, She Holds a 2 of Hearts Card.
With Monica Crowley's Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Bronze Tambourine; See '21141' in Blue on The Tambourine.
To Jen York's Left, See a Platinum Four-Headed Hydra.
The Hydra Head on The Left Holds a Head of Broccoli in its Mouth.
The Second Hydra Head from The Left Holds a Glowing Red Square Die in its Mouth, See Five Platinum Dots Displayed on The Die.
The Second Hydra Head from The Right Holds a Lit Signal Flare in its Mouth
The Hydra Head on The Right Holds an Analog TV in its Mouth; On The TV Screen, See The Term 'Geist' in Light-Gray on a Dark-Gray Background.
The Background on The Section is Dark Blue.
At Bottom Center on Section, See The Name 'Jen York' in Bronze.
In The Upper Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Anne Wheaton. Anne Wheaton Stands On Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'HATECE'. Anne Wheaton is Nude, Her Body and Face are Painted White. See a Black Keyhole Between Anne Wheaton's Breasts. Anne Wheaton has Four Arms. Anne Wheaton has a Penis Attached to Her Body, Above Her Vagina. Anne Wheaton has an Erection. See a Blue Cock Ring on Anne Wheaton's Penis; See a Glowing Blue '+1800' on Anne Wheaton's Penis. See a Glowing Blue '+1800' on Anne Wheaton's Vagina.
With Anne Wheaton's Upper Right Hand, She Holds a Closed Black Umbrella, See a Glowing Red '-180' on The Umbrella.
With Anne Wheaton's Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Gold-Framed Hand-Mirror; See 'Portal+4' in Black on The Mirror.
With Anne Wheaton's Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Cattle Prod; See a Glowing Red '-180' on The Cattle Prod.
With Anne Wheaton's Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Rectangular Black Box Labeled 'Lethal Weapon 66/6' in Red.
To Anne Wheaton's Left, See an Image of Jewel Staite. Jewel Staite Stands on Top of a Square Black Box. See The Word 'ASS' in White on The Side of The Box. Jewel Staite Wears a Black Leather Skirt, White Knee-High Leather Boots, White Leather Gloves and a White Top Hat. See a Gold '32' on Jewel Staite's Top Hat. See a Black Bass Clef Symbol Between Jewel Staite's Breasts. Jewel Staite Holds a Glowing Gold Phallus with Her Right Hand, See The Word 'Lust' in Red on The Phallus; She Holds The Handle of a Gold Boombox with Her Left Hand; See The Word 'Carrier' in Green on The Boombox. See a Glowing Yellow Light Bulb Above Jewel Staite's Top Hat; Above The Light Bulb, See '362b234' in Green.
To Anne Wheaton's Right, See an Image of Edurne Ganem. Edurne Ganem Stands On Top of a Platinum 'TON'. Edurne Ganem Wears a Pair of Platinum Roller-Skates w/Electrified Black Wheels; White Tube Socks with 2 Blue Stripes on Each Sock; a Platinum Link Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Platinum 'Koala' Pendant; Red Leather Opera Gloves; and a Black Queen's Crown, See a Glowing Green '28' on Edurne Ganem's Crown. See a Glowing Blue '+110' on Each of Edurne Ganem's Skates; See a Glowing Blue '+220' on Her Vagina; See a Glowing Blue 'Swift+4' On Her Right Glove; See a Black Keyhole on Her Left Glove. See a Walnut Between Edurne Ganem's Breasts. With Her Right Hand, Edurne Ganem Holds a 5 of Hearts Card; With Her Left Hand, She Holds a Black Battle Mace, See a Glowing Blue '+220' on The Mace.
Above Edurne Ganem's Head, See 'Iblis Lore' in Black; Above 'Iblis Lore', See a Simon Game.
The Background on The Section is Cement Gray.
Across The Top of The Section, See The Name 'Sextans A' in Black.
Across The Bottom of The Section, See The Term, 'Demon Download' in Orange.
In The Lower Right Hand Section of The Card, See a Nun in a Red Habit. The Red Nun Stands on Top of a Gold Hexagon. Inside The Hexagon, See an Image of Debra Lynn Bonner's Face. Above The Red Nun's Head, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'CONCEPT'; Above 'CONCEPT', See '643a326' in White. The Red Nun Holds a Silver Ping-Pong Paddle with Her Left Hand, See a Blue '64' on The Ping-Pong Paddle. The Red Nun Holds an Open&Lit Zippo Lighter with Her Right Hand. On The Red Nun's Right Shoulder, See a Crow.
To The Red Nun's Right, See a Rottweiler. The Rottweiler Sits on Top of a Gold '66'. See a Red CBS Eye Above The Rottweiler's Head. See a Severed Human Hand in The Rottweiler's Mouth.
To The Red Nun's Left, See an Image of Paula White. Paula White Sits on The Back of a White Horse. Paula White is Nude, Her Body and Face are Painted White. See a Platinum '戊' Between Paula White's Breasts. With Her Left Hand, Paula White Holds Julianne Moore's Severed Head by The Hair.
The Background on The Section is Black.
At Top Center on Section, See a Box of Bisquick
At Bottom Center on Section, See The Symbol '#RedNun+2' in Blood-Red.
In The Lower Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of LaTascha Emanuel. LaTascha Emanuel Stands on Top of a Neon Pink Sign That Displays 'COMPRESSION'. LaTascha Emanuel Wears a High-Collared Green Cape, Thigh-High Green Leather Boots, Bronze Panties and a Bronze Bra. See a Blue '70' on The Front of LaTascha Emanuel's Panties. With Both Hands, LaTascha Emanuel Holds a Wood-Framed Hexagonal Mirror in Front of Her Abdomen; See a Green '$' Symbol on The Mirror.
To LaTascha Emanuel's Left, See an Open Treasure Chest Full of Gold Coins; See 'An' in Bronze on The Chest. Above The Treasure Chest, See a Black,Silver&Green Vortex. At The Eye of The Vortex, See an Image of Therese Brandl's Face; See a Glowing Red '18' in Therese Brandl's Open Mouth. Above Therese Brandl's Face, See a Platinum Chalice, See a Green 'i' on The Chalice; Below Therese Brandl's Face, See a Connect Four Game; To The Right of Therese Brandl's Face, See a Bronze Scimitar, See '$140 Million' in Green on The Blade of The Scimitar. To The Left of Therese Brandl's Face, See a Platinum Chess Queen, See 'Bot' in Green on The Queen. Above The Vortex, See '226y615' in Black.
To LaTascha Emanuel's Right, See an Image of Elisabeth Röhm. Elisabeth Röhm Sits On Top of a Console Television. On The Screen of The TV, See 'Translation' in Light-Gray on a Dark-Gray Background. Elisabeth Röhm is Nude, She Sits with Her Legs Spread Apart; See a Glowing Blue '+1800' on Elisabeth Röhm's Vagina. A Penis is Attached to Elisabeth Röhm's Body, Above Her Vagina, Elisabeth Röhm Has an Erection; See a Glowing Blue '+1800' on Elisabeth Röhm's Penis. A Pair of Platinum Antelope Horns are Attached to Elisabeth Röhm's Head; See a 3 of Diamonds Card Between Her Horns; See a Glowing Red '-1800' on Each of Her Horns. See a Glowing Green Centipede Half In and Half Out of Elisabeth Röhm's Mouth. Above Elisabeth Röhm, See '#WickedManifest' in Black; Above '#WickedManifest', See a Black '20:20'. With Her Right Hand, Elisabeth Röhm Grips Her Penis. Elisabeth Röhm Touches Her Clitoris with The Tip of Her Left Index Finger; Her Left Thumb is Hooked Over The Base of Her Penis.
The Background on The Section is Milky White.
At Top Center on Section, See a Platinum Tommy Gun.
At Bottom Center on Section, See an Orca.
In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See The Symbol 'La' in Black
In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Pink Bowling Ball, See a Black Treble Clef Symbol on The Bowling Ball.
In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See an Orange Traffic Cone
In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See an Image of Speedy Gonzales
<20:20 The Áine Órga 808 Deck>
>#An Ton #De Fy #Ti Po #Go La #Su Vy #By Hu #Ra Ko #Me Ni #Ni Me #Ko Ra #Hu By #Vy Su #La Go #Po Ti #Fy De #Ton An<

Ashley Hlebinsky #NeuroVirus
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con *<⮔> ⮄
#HyperDrive ⮄ 0001 ⮄ 1010
20:20 Tactical Drafting
Go-Go Has The Minerals
20:20 @VITAMIN-ization
The Contrivances of a
20:20 Mad Man

Ashley Hlebinsky #NeuroVirus
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con <⮔>* ⮇
#HyperDrive ⮇ 0010 ⮇ 1001
Untranslated @REGION
20:20 @FORM-ulating
I'm The Reel Becky Quick
Reina Scully Ain't Shit
Don't Be lukewarm

Ashley Hlebinsky #NeuroVirus
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con *<⮔> ⮆
#HyperDrive ⮆ 0011 ⮆ 1000
02/02/22 to 02/02/21
System Re-Store Points
20:20 @CarbonCycle

Ashley Hlebinsky #NeuroVirus
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con <⮔>* ⮅
#HyperDrive ⮅ 0100 ⮅ 0111
An @De Ti Go
@An De Ti Go
@An De Ti Go
@An De Ti Go
20:20 At 'x'
Ashley Hlebinsky Assembles

Ashley Hlebinsky #NeuroVirus
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con *<⮔> ⮄
#HyperDrive ⮄ 0101 ⮄ 0110
Concrete Jungle Rapunzel
Cherry Cola Boo Berry
Blacklight Gold Digger
Chickadee Drama Queen
20:20 Notation 20:20 Tact
20:20 Meta-Morph

Ashley Hlebinsky #NeuroVirus
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con <⮔>* ⮇
#HyperDrive ⮇ 0110 ⮇ 0101
20:20 Ole Dick Vernon
20:20 Molly Bender
Emilio The Wrestler
The Antisocial Wench
Is Not Worth Mentioning
Neither is Nerd-O
All Them Niggas 'Cept Dick
Be Smokin' Reefer

Ashley Hlebinsky #NeuroVirus
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con *<⮔> ⮆
#HyperDrive ⮆ 0111 ⮆ 0100
#AUG Shimma Shimma
41 #Deliver #Analog
20:20 CDS @CDS
The Legend of
An Immortal Being

Ashley Hlebinsky #NeuroVirus
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con <⮔>* ⮅
#HyperDrive ⮅ 1000 ⮅ 0011
In The @Untranslated Region
All Them Niggas 'Cept Dick
Be Smokin' That Reefer
Even The Jock&The Nerd
Even The Molly&The Wench
"What About Bender?"
It Was His @Marijuana

Ashley Hlebinsky #NeuroVirus
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con *<⮔> ⮄
#HyperDrive ⮄ 1001 ⮄ 0010
#YouTube as #IRES
"Why is The Marijuana Tagged
Because We Haven't
Smoked It Yet
Molly Gave Bender
Some Re-Meme-berance

Ashley Hlebinsky #NeuroVirus
(-)ssRNA Virus #Con <⮔>* ⮇
#HyperDrive ⮇ 1010 ⮇ 0001
20:20 5 Cap Prime
w/Pencil On Paper
Cult-ivate Rabola Crystals
On Pencil&Paper Platform

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The Devil's House

  20:20 Abigail Folger 99 Turns Over a Card The Card is Divided into 4 Sections, at The Center of The Card where The 4 Sections Meet, See an...