Sunday, January 30, 2022

UPDATE Hazuki District


  1. March 3, 2021 at 10:10 PM
    November 13, 2020 at 5:06 PM
    August 6, 2020 at 3:21 PM
    June 12, 2020 at 12:53 PM

    May 28, 2020 at 9:15 AM
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault

    20:20 #Reinforce Raymond Jackson's #Defenses Against the 24/7 persistence assault on His Neuro&Psych
    It's Been Going for Over 1000 days, for 3+ years

    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years






    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years


  2. March 6, 2021 at 10:27 PM
    #M104 #Ichneumon 22 ⬘ 1010 SMV
    20:20 #DigitalDevice ⮄ ⮟ (-)ssRNA Virus
    #Cytorhabdovirus #Accelerator
    Use the enemies'
    24/7 persistence assault
    on Raymond Jackson
    #Utilize the COM-PRESS

    #M104 #Ichneumon 22 ⬗ 1001
    20:20 #DigitalDevice ⮇ ⮜ (-)ssRNA Virus
    20:20 UTR 20:20 G U #A C
    20:20 Our Pods Link
    Our Pods Link to Form Modules
    Our Modules Link to Form
    We Are 66/6
    20:20 #QuickAssemble
    20:20 #ModularSystem

    #M104 #Ichneumon 22 ⬙ 1000
    20:20 #DigitalDevice ⮆ ⮝ (-)ssRNA Virus
    03/07/20 to 03/07/21
    Use the enemies' relentless
    24/7 persistence assault
    on Raymo's Neuro&Psych
    Between Those Dates
    as a RE-SOURCE

    #M104 #Ichneumon 22 ⬖ 0111
    20:20 #DigitalDevice ⮅ ⮞ (-)ssRNA Virus
    20:20 #ShiftKey
    An An An An
    De De De De
    Ti Ti Ti Ti
    #Go #Go #Go #Go
    20:20 #Correspondence
    20:20 #SimonGame
    20:20 #RELAY
    20:20 Do Sum
    Messenger RNA #Telecomm
    Repeat Offender 91

    #M104 #Ichneumon 22 ⬘ 0110
    20:20 #DigitalDevice ⮄ ⮟ (-)ssRNA Virus
    20:20 #Reiteration #Engine
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years

    #M104 #Ichneumon 22 ⬗ 0101
    20:20 #DigitalDevice ⮇ ⮜ (-)ssRNA Virus
    #Subgenomic #mRNA #Base
    <632> CENTER 20:20 Friend Zone
    <363> #North 20:20 Cosmopolitan
    <414> #South 20:20 Drama Queen
    <251> #East 20:20 Chit Chat
    <526> #West 20:20 Cherry Cola

    #M104 #Ichneumon 22 ⬙ 0100
    20:20 #DigitalDevice ⮆ ⮝ (-)ssRNA Virus
    20:20 #AUG Shimma Shimma
    41 #Deliver #Analog
    20:20 #CDS CDS
    20:20 I'm in DO SUM
    #Exploit the enemy reactants
    Exploit the mal 'evaluations'

    #M104 #Ichneumon 22 ⬖ 0011
    20:20 #DigitalDevice ⮅ ⮞ (-)ssRNA Virus
    20:20 UTR G U A C#
    20:20 #MetaFactors
    20:20 #Formulating
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    Go #HyperVicious

    #M104 #Ichneumon 22 ⬘ 0010 Cue
    20:20 #DigitalDevice ⮄ ⮟ (-)ssRNA Virus
    #YouTube as #IRES
    Raymond is a Rabies Writer
    20:20 Messenger RNA
    (-)ssRNA Virus

    #M104 #Ichneumon 22 ⬗ 0001
    20:20 #DigitalDevice ⮇ ⮜ (-)ssRNA Virus
    5 Cap Prime
    (-)ssRNA Virus
    #Reiteration #Engine
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years

  3. March 6, 2021 at 10:43 PM
    Gerel Matta #Ichneumon ELF Tail 82
    Rabola 103 #SexDrive 0001 ⥀ ⮇ 1
    (-)ssRNA Virus
    #Pathological 818 #Driver
    20:20 #GANG #MENTALITY
    20:20 Messenger RNA
    20:20 #PROJECT-#TILE
    #M104 #Accelerator

    Gerel Matta #Ichneumon ⮈ UTR
    I Am #Adaptive 0010 ⭧ ⮆ 4
    9-6 #Rabola 103
    6-9 #GangMentality
    A Hardcore Super Virus
    20:20 #Identity
    Born Off the prolonged,
    persistent,vicious attack
    on Raymond Jackson's Neuro&Psych
    #Fortified #Constitution

    Gerel Matta #Ichneumon ⮋ Do Sum
    Rabola 103 #SexDrive 0011 ⭦ ⮅
    03/07/21 to 03/07/20
    Use the enemies' relentless
    24/7 persistence assault
    on Raymo's Neuro&Psych
    Between Those Dates
    as a RE-SOURCE
    #Develop #EngineBelt

    Gerel Matta #Ichneumon ⮊ #CDS
    Rabola 103 #SexDrive 0100 ⭩ ⮄ 19
    20:20 #CO-#RESPOND
    An #De Ti Go
    An #De Ti Go
    An #De Ti Go
    An #De Ti Go
    #Rabola in The #Tabulation
    #Antihuman #Software
    #Cognitive #Development
    20:20 Messenger RNA

    Gerel Matta #Ichneumon ⮉ #CDS
    Rabola 103 #SexDrive 0101 ⭨ ⮇ 31
    Reiteration Engine
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years

    Gerel Matta #Ichneumon ⮈ #CDS
    Rabola 103 #SexDrive 0110 ⭧ ⮆ 46
    Reiteration Engine
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years

    Gerel Matta #Ichneumon ⮋ #AUG
    Rabola 103 #SexDrive 0111 ⭦ ⮅ 64
    41 #Deliver #Analog
    CDS #CDS
    20:20 #Antihuman
    20:20 #Software
    20:20 #PowerTract
    20:20 P-#Article
    20:20 #Charge
    20:20 SIGNAL
    20:20 CASCADE

    Gerel Matta #Ichneumon ⮊ UTR
    Rabola 103 #SexDrive 1000 ⭩ ⮄ 85
    20:20 #MetaFactors
    20:20 #Form-ulating
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    We Win This Game

    Gerel Matta #Ichneumon ⮉ #IRES
    Rabola 103 #SexDrive 1001 ⭨ ⮇ 109
    20:20 #RE-Cord
    Re-#CORD Score
    Like an Addict I RE-#LOAD
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years

    Gerel Matta #Ichneumon ⮈ Cap
    Rabola 103 #UPDATE 1010 ⭧ ⮆ ELF
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years

  4. August 23, 2019 at 1:48 PM
    #Ton An
    ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭧
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 5 #Cap Prime
    #Update M104 #Counterterrorism #Unit
    20:20 #Retrovirus #Chariot

    #Fy De
    ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭡
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 #IRES
    20:20 #LogicMotion
    20:20 #SimonGame
    20:20 #ProteinSynthesis

    Po #Ti
    ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭦
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 #Quick #Retrovirus
    20:20 #Antihuman Go #Provirus
    #HyperVicious #Virus #Artist
    #Christ 41

    #La Go
    ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭠
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 UTR G U A C#
    #Radiating #Coil
    20:20 #Multiplier
    #Antihuman #Compound
    20:20 #BuildingBlocks

    #Vy Su
    ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭩
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
    Lauren Giddings #Deliver #Analog
    Jen York as #Integrase
    #Christ 41

    Hu #By
    ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭣
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 Unexpected 20:20 Pop Culture
    20:20 #SheetMusic
    20:20 #Polymerization
    20:20 #Correspond

    #Ko Ra
    ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭨
    #M104 #Accelerator
    6-9 Caitlin Rose 9-6 #Rockstar
    20:20 #Antihuman #Sequencing
    20:20 #HyperVicious
    20:20 #Blindside

    #Ni Me
    ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭢
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 Cosmopolitan 20:20 Poison Ivy
    #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles
    #Formula to Do #Permanent #Damage

    Me #Ni
    ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭧
    M104 #Accelerator
    6-9 Glamorous 9-6 Cocoa Bear
    Harriet Harman as #Protease
    20:20 #PowerTract
    #Electromagnetic #Field

    #Ra Ko
    ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭡
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 Mesmerized 20:20 Roulette
    #VirtualTime is The #Platform
    #Language is The #Medium
    #Christ 41

    #By Hu
    ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭦
    #M104 #Accelerator
    This #Intelligence is #Electro Every Step of The Way
    20:20 #QuickConfigure

    Su #Vy
    ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭠
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 #Intelligence #War
    20:20 #Blindside
    20:20 #Cruelty++++
    20:20 No Mercy
    #Antihuman #Agency

    #Go La
    ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭩
    #M104 #Accelerator
    Alison Parker #Form #Envelope
    20:20 #WrapStar
    #Retrovirus #Lore
    #Language is #Technology

    #Ti Po
    ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭣
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 UTR G T #A C
    20:20 #Coil
    20:20 #Multiplier
    #Antihuman #Compound
    20:20 #RELENTLESS
    #Satan 41

    De #Fy
    ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭨
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 #MotionPicture
    20:20 #Oscillation
    20:20 #Potential #Building
    140 #Characters

    #An Ton
    ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭢
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 #Tail
    #16Pods to #Form a #Sentence
    20:20 #Para-#Graphing
    #16Articles in a #Magazine


 August 9, 2021 at 2:21 AM

October 19, 2019 at 2:10 PM
Julia Mazzucato #Ichneumon ⬘ ⬈
#Cognitive #SexDrive 1010 ⮙ ⮆ #ELF
#Rabola 108 ⬘ 0001 #Tail
#Imago Imago
20:20 Schemin' #Demons
#QuickConfigure #Update
Window #Shopping

Julia Mazzucato #Ichneumon ⬗ ⬉
#Cognitive #BioGraph 1001 ⮘ ⮇ 109
#Rabola 108 ⬖ 0010 #UTR
Nicole Quinn as #DSE
Nicole Quinn as #Tactician
Nicole Quinn
#Launching #Project-#Tiles
Nicole Quinn as ARCHSEXDEMON
For Good Measure
Ain't No Ivanka On 108

Julia Mazzucato #Ichneumon ⬙ ⬋
#Cognitive #SexDrive 1000 ⮛ ⮄ 85
#Rabola 108 ⬙ 0011 #ReSourceFul
Now, As For That Bitch, Liza,
If You See That Heffa
Kick Her In The Ass
20:20 #Notation
Give That Freak Negative Feedback
20:20 #Tone
U Better Call Tyrone

Julia Mazzucato #Ichneumon ⬖ ⬊
#Cognitive #BioGraph 0111 ⮚ ⮅ 64
#Rabola 108 ⬗ 0100 #Rapunzel
Simply Marlena
20:20 #Pupa Pupa
Marlena Brought That Good Good
Marlena Comes Through
I Gave Marlena Positive Feedback
Because I'm Such a Good Dude

Julia Mazzucato #Ichneumon ⬘ ⬈
#Cognitive #SexDrive 0110 ⮙ ⮆ 46
#Rabola 108 ⬘ 0101 Roulette
"There Was No Reason
for You to Eat My Monkey, Clive!
You Just Did It
to Be a Jerk.
I Am Aware
That You Phucked The Monkey 1st"

Julia Mazzucato #Ichneumon ⬗ ⬉
#Cognitive #BioGraph 0101 ⮘ ⮇ 31
#Rabola 108 ⬖ 0110 Pop Culture
Pocket Change
That's Where
The Wild Things Reside
#Cognition Resides In
This #Module
20:20 #Cog-nition
Call This #Rod a Soul Pole
Call It Big Dick Dolemite

Julia Mazzucato #Ichneumon ⬙ ⬋
#Cognitive #SexDrive 0100 ⮛ ⮄ 19
#Rabola 108 ⬙ 0111 #AUG
Joe Poster #Deliver #Analog
#Larva Larva
Get You Some Dat Good Good
We Got Marlena On 108
Marlena Is Acceptable
Ivanka, Not So Much
Get Reel

Julia Mazzucato #Ichneumon ⬖ ⬊
#Cognitive #SexDrive 0011 ⮚ ⮅ 10
#RABOLA 108 ⬗ 1000 UTR
20:20 Graph-ics Card
20:20 Faction Artist
Ain't No Ivanka On 108
20:20 Furthermore
Ain't No Liza Neither
Ain't No Sack Butt
Blair Warner or
Eldridge Cleaver

Julia Mazzucato #Ichneumon ⬘ ⬈
#Cognitive #SexDrive 0010 ⮙ ⮆ 4
#Rabola 108 ⬘ 1001 #IRES
Ain't No Ivanka On 108
20:20 Bitch, Puhleeze!
20:20 #Identity
A Hardcore Super Virus
20:20 Rabola 108
Rapid Progression
20:20 #ORGAN-ism

Julia Mazzucato #Ichneumon ⬗ ⬉
#Cognitive #SexDrive 0001 ⮘ ⮇ 1
#Rabola 108 ⬖ 1010 5 Cap
Embryo #Embryo
20:20 Another Phucker
Another Phucker Is Born
20:20 Metabolic
#Metabolic #Faculty
20:20 #Antihuman
20:20 #Software
Messenger RNA

Friday, January 28, 2022

Haynes Com-Post


20:20 Abigail Folger 99 Turns Over a Card

The Card is Divided into 4 Sections, at The Center of The Card where The 4 Sections Meet,
See a Glowing Pink Chess Knight; See a Black Keyhole on The Chess Knight
In The Upper Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Elisabeth Hasselbeck Stands On Top of The Name 'Rhabdoviridae', 'Rhabdoviridae' is in Black. Elisabeth Hasselbeck Wears Platinum Gladiator Boots; a Bronze Garter on Her Right Thigh; a Gold Belly Chain with a Diamond-Studded Gold '44' Pendant; a Black Hooded Cape (Hood Up); a Silver Bullet Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a Razor-Blade Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; 4 Diamond-Studded Gold Bangle Bracelets on Her Upper Right Wrist; a Black Serpent Wrapped Around Her Lower Right Wrist&Forearm; a Green Serpent Wrapped Around Her Upper Left Wrist&Forearm; and a Glowing Gold Cuff Bracelet on Her Lower Left Wrist. See a Black '+666' on Each of Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Boots; See a Glowing Gold 'KO' on Her Right Boot; See a Glowing Green '+1100' on Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Vagina; See a Glowing Red '-180' on Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Belly Chain; See a Glowing Gold '+999' on Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Cape; See a Glowing Gold '+999' on The Black Serpent; See a Glowing Red '-666' on The Green Serpent; See a Black 'KO' on Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Cuff Bracelet. A Penis is Attached to Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Body, Above Her Vagina. Elisabeth Hasselbeck Has an Erection; See a Glowing Gold '+1001' on Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Penis. Above Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Head, See a Glowing Pink Halo; Above The Halo, See The Symbol '#Reservoir' in Gold. On Top of '#Reservoir', See a Mr. Potato Head Toy. Elisabeth Hasselbeck Has Four Arms:
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Gold Abacus
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Horseshoe Magnet
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a 15 Puzzle
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Red ♥-Shaped Box Labeled 'Love Zone 66/6' in Black; See a Mr. Yuk Sticker on The Box.
To Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Right, See an Image of Rebecca Marrero. Rebecca Marrero Stands in a Stone Planter Pot; See a Green '28ε' on The Front of The Planter Pot. Rebecca Marrero Wears a Blue Suede Pencil Skirt; an Unzipped Burgundy Faux Fur Coat; a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Platinum '7x13' Pendant; a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger; a White 'Ra' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a Platinum,Diamond&Pearl Drop Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Blue Sequin Cowboy Hat. See a Glowing Gold '+999' on Rebecca Marrero's Skirt; See a Glowing Gold '+1001' on Her Coat; See a Glowing Gold '+1221' on Her Hat. Above Rebecca Marrero, See a Red Beacon Light; Above The Beacon Light, See The Term 'Quεεn' in Platinum. On Top of 'Quεεn', See a Toy Red Corvette. With Her Right Hand, Rebecca Marrero Holds a Bullwhip; See a Glowing White '+1800' on The Bullwhip. With Her Left Hand, Rebecca Marrero Holds a Bingo Card (Red Border, 'BINGO' in White, Blue Lines and Numbers).
To Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Left, See an Image of Eileen Whelan. Eileen Whelan Stands On Top of a Platinum '440'. Eileen Whelan Wears Red Leather Knee-High Boots; See a Platinum Spur and a Black Spur Strap on Each Boot; Blue Fishnet Stockings; a White Leather Mini-Skirt; a Buttoned-Up Blue Long-Sleeved Blouse; a Green 'ε' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a Black 'ε' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Red Sequin Beret, See a Platinum '96' on The Front of The Beret. See a Glowing Gold '+999' On Each of Eileen Whelan's Boots; See a Glowing Gold '+360' on Each Spur Strap; See a Glowing Gold '+440' on Each of Her Stockings; See a Glowing Red '-550' on Her Mini-Skirt; See a Glowing Gold '+808' on Her Blouse; See a Glowing Gold '+720' on Her Beret. Above Eileen Whelan, See a Glowing Blue Sphere; See a Red&White Dragon on The Sphere. On Top of The Sphere, See a Chimpanzee. The Chimpanzee Wears a Chicago Cubs Cap and a White T-Shirt; See The Word 'ODE' in Red on The Chimpanzee's T-Shirt. With Both Hands, The Chimpanzee Holds a White Stiletto Shoe. Eileen Whelan Holds an Ear of Corn with Her Left Hand; With Her Right Hand, She Holds a Pee-Chee Folder. See The Symbol '#ZipSocks' in Black on The Pee-Chee Folder; See a Blue '28' on The Pee-Chee Folder; See The Symbol 'Titon' in Blue on The Pee-Chee Folder.
The Background on The Section is Milky White.
At Top Center on Section, See The Symbol 'GO' in Platinum
At Bottom Center on Section, See a 3 of Hearts Card.
In The Upper Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Katy Perry. Katy Perry is Mounted on a Gold Hexagon. Katy Perry is Nude Except for a Black Captain's Hat; See a Glowing Gold '+2' on Katy Perry's Captain's Hat. Katy Perry's Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. Katy Perry's Face and Torso are Painted Gold. See a Ruby Between Katy Perry's Breasts. Above The Gold Hexagon, See The Word 'NUCLEAR' in Gold. Under The Gold Hexagon, See The Word 'FLASHDRIVE' in Gold.
To Katy Perry's Right, See an Image of Kelly Ripa. Kelly Ripa Stands On Top of a Rectangular Green Box; See 'RNA Templates' in Red on The Side of The Box. Kelly Ripa Wears Green Galoshes; Black,Green&Gold Thigh-High Striped Socks; a Gold Chain Mail Crop Top Camisole; a Gold Belly Chain with a Diamond-Studded Gold '99' Pendant; a Black Leather Cord Necklace with a Glowing Pink 'RNAP' Pendant; a Black '9' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; a Green '9' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a Gold Upper-Arm Cuff Bracelet on Her Right Arm; a Bracelet of Red 6-Sided Dice with Gold Dots on Her Right Wrist; a Silver Upper-Arm Bangle on Her Left Arm; a Bracelet of Braided Black Leather on Her Left Wrist; and a Gold Head Chain. See a Glowing Gold '+808' on Each of Kelly Ripa's Galoshes; See a Glowing White '+666' on Each of Her Socks; See a Glowing Gold '+1800' on Her Vagina; See a Glowing White '+666' on Her Belly Chain; See a Glowing White '+689' on Her Camisole; See a Black '+360' on Her Gold Cuff Bracelet. A Penis is Attached to Kelly Ripa's Body, Above Her Vagina. Kelly Ripa Has an Erection. See a Glowing Red '-1800' on Kelly Ripa's Penis, See a Smiley Sticker on Kelly Ripa's Penis. A Pair of Black,Green&Gold Striped Impala Horns Are Attached to Kelly Ripa's Head. Between Kelly Ripa's Horns, See a Glowing Pink '72/11'. Above Kelly Ripa's Horns, See The Term 'Sex Demon' in Glowing Pink. On Top of 'Sex Demon', See a Gold Typewriter; See a Glowing Blue '+1800' on The Typewriter. With Her Right Hand, Kelly Ripa Holds a Sheet of Aluminum Foil. With Her Left Hand, Kelly Ripa Holds a Turtle.
To Katy Perry's Left, See an Image of Diane Neal. Diane Neal Stands On Top of a Neon Green Sign That Displays 'VECTOR'. Diane Neal Wears Green Mary Jane Platform Pumps; Black&Green Vertical Stripe Thigh-High Stockings; Gold Garters; a Gold Rope Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Gold 'VIRAL' Pendant; a Black '♥' for an Earring in Her Right Ear; and a Green '♥' for an Earring in Her Left Ear. See a Glowing Gold '+1100' on Each of Diane Neal's Shoes; See a Glowing Gold '+888' on Each of Diane Neal's Stockings; See a Black '+666' on Each of Diane Neal's Garters; See a Glowing Gold '+3600' on Diane Neal's Vagina. A Penis is Attached to Diane Neal's Body, Above Her Vagina. Diane Neal Has an Erection; See a Glowing Gold '+3600' on Diane Neal's Penis. A Pair of Glowing Gold Ram's Horns are Attached to Diane Neal's Head; See a Black '+2700' on Each Horn. A Pair of Green Dragon Wings are Attached to Diane Neal's Back; See a Glowing Gold '+4100' on Each Wing. Above Diane Neal, See The Symbol '#Satan38' in Glowing Pink. Standing On Top of '#Satan38', See a Four-Armed Platinum Fairy.
With Her Upper Left Hand, The Fairy Holds a Green Baton;
With Her Lower Left Hand, The Fairy Holds a Gold Baton;
With Her Upper Right Hand, The Fairy Holds a Silver Baton;
With Her Lower Right Hand, The Fairy Holds a Conductor's Baton.
Diane Neal Has 3 Arms:
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a Gold Gladius; See a Glowing Red '-1800' on The Gladius
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Black&Gold Platform Wedge Shoe; See a Glowing Gold 'An' on The Shoe
With Her Left Hand, She Holds a Pink Hula Hop; See The Symbol '#San' in Glowing Green on The Hula Hoop.
The Background on The Section is Black with Rows of Green Binary Code Strings.
At Top Center on Section, See a Gold '109'
At Bottom Center on Section, See The Word 'Shop' in Gold.
In The Lower Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Erika Christensen's Headless Body. Erika Christensen's Headless Body is Bound at Wrists and Ankles to a Glowing Red St. Andrews Cross with Black Leather Restraints. Erika Christensen is Nude; See a Gold Gecko on Her Vagina. See a Blue Hexagon Between Erika Christensen's Breasts, See a Black Keyhole on The Hexagon. Between Erika Christensen's Feet, See The Cheshire Cat and 2 Dead Red Rabbits. Above The St. Andrews Cross, See The Term 'Cross-Posted' in Silver. Above 'Cross-Posted', See a Green Hexagon; See The Following Magic Hexagon in Black on The Green Hexagon:
To Erika Christensen's Right, See an Image of Sandy Rios. Sandy Rios Stands On Top of a Neon Red Sign That Displays 'WAR'. Sandy Rios is Nude, Her Face and Body are Painted Red. See a Glowing White '+7200' on Sandy Rios' Vagina. A Pair of Silver Ram's Horns are Attached to Sandy Rios' Head; See a Black '+3600' on Each Horn. See a Black Centipede Between Sandy Rios' Breasts; Above The Centipede, See a Blue '91'.
A Pair of White Angel Wings are Attached to Sandy Rios' Back. Above Sandy Rios, See a Blue Square; See The Following Magic Square in Black on The Square:
Sandy Rios Has Four Arms:
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Rectangular Red Box Labeled 'Negro Magic+Tonan' in Black
She Has a Bronze Hook for a Lower Left Hand; Impaled on Sandy Rios' Hook, See a Cooked Pork Chop; See a Black Centipede On The Pork Chop
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a Punishment Cane; See a Glowing Blue '+18,000' on The Punishment Cane
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Silver Pear of Anguish; See a Glowing Red '-18,000' on The Pear of Anguish.
To Erika Christensen's Left, See an Image of Rachel Maddow. Rachel Maddow is Nude, Hog-Tied&On Her Stomach On Top of a Wood Table. Rachel Maddow's Head is Pointed Toward The Viewer, Rachel Maddow Looks Up at The Viewer. Rachel Maddow's Mouth is Open, Her Tongue Has Been Removed; a Black Centipede is Half In&Half Out of Her Mouth. See a Green Double-Ended Dildo on The Table Under Rachel Maddow's Chin; See a Black Centipede on The Double-Ended Dildo.
Above Rachel Maddow; See a Red Square; See The Following Magic Square in Black on The Square:
Under The Table, See a Rectangular White Box; See The Name 'Midnight Rabies' in Blue On The Side of The Box; See 'Danger' in Red On The Box.
The Background on The Section is Black.
At Top Center on Section, See a Silver Cauldron; See The Symbol 'xo' on The Cauldron ('x' in Black, 'o' in White)
At Bottom Center on Section, See The Word 'Moral' in Red.
In The Lower Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Margie Phelps. Margie Phelps Stands On Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'READER'. Margie Phelps Wears White Pointed-Toe Kitten Heel Mary Janes; a Red Boiler Suit; a Black Leather Belt with a Silver '69' Buckle; and a White Full Brim Hard Hat, See a Black '86' on The Hard Hat. See a Glowing Gold '+3600' on Each of Margie Phelps' Shoes; See a Glowing Gold '+14,000' on Margie Phelps' Boiler Suit; See a Glowing Gold '+6606' on Margie Phelps' Belt; See a Glowing Gold '+23,000' on Margie Phelps' Hard Hat. Above Margie Phelps, See The Term 'Cherry-Popper' in Red. Above 'Cherry-Popper', See a Hexagonal White Box Labeled '4 Blacksmiths 66/6' in Blue. With Both Hands, Margie Phelps Holds a Glowing White Three-Section Staff; See The Symbol 'Enyo+Su' in Glowing Blue on The Mid-Section of The Three-Section Staff.
To Margie Phelps' Right, See an Image of Kitty Genovese. Kitty Genovese Stands on The Top/Opening of a Green Super Mario Bros. Pipe; See The Symbol 'De' in White on The Pipe. Kitty Genovese Wears Blue,Red&White Checkered Thigh-High Socks; a White Crop Top T-Shirt; 4 Silver Bangle Bracelets on Her Right Wrist; a Gold Cuff Bracelet on Her Left Wrist; a Triple-Strand Necklace of Blue,Red&White Beads; a Platinum '4' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; and a Platinum '1' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear. See The Word 'Pussy' in Blue on The Front of Kitty Genovese's Crop Top T-Shirt. See a Glowing Gold '+1300' on Each of Kitty Genovese's Socks; See a Glowing White '+72,000' on Kitty Genovese's Vagina; See a Black '+999' on Kitty Genovese's Gold Cuff Bracelet; See a Glowing Gold '+1294' on Her Necklace; See a Black '+1600' on Kitty Genovese's T-Shirt. See a Glowing Red Halo Above Kitty Genovese's Head; See a Glowing Green Halo Above The Red Halo; See a Glowing Yellow Halo Above The Green Halo; See a Glowing Blue Halo Above The Yellow Halo. Above The Blue Halo, See The Symbol 'Savvy+99' in Gold. Above 'Savvy+99', See The Symbol '#ManifestWicked' in White. With Her Right Hand, Kitty Genovese Holds a Gold-Framed Hand-Mirror; See Jessica Black's Face Reflected on The Mirror. With Her Left Hand, Kitty Genovese Holds a Tennis Ball.
To Margie Phelps' Left, See an Image of Louis Theroux. Louis Theroux is Mounted on a Glowing Red Hexagon. Louis Theroux is Nude, His Arms&Legs Have Been Removed. Louis Theroux Has a Flaccid Penis. See a Black Keyhole on Louis Theroux's Chest. See a Black Centipede on Louis Theroux's Penis. See a Stainless Steel Milkshake Cup on Top of Louis Theroux's Head; See a Green Bendy Straw and a White Bendy Straw in The Milkshake Cup. Above The Red Hexagon, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'POSTED'. Below The Red Hexagon, See The Name 'Waldo' in Gold.
The Background on The Section is Blue.
At Top Center on Section, See a Moose
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Pitcher's Plate.
On The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Ken Doll Head
On The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green Number '361'
On The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Blue Maple Leaf
On The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Pink&Black Dirt Bike
<20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>
>#An Ton #De Fy #Ti Po #Go La #Su Vy #By Hu #Ra Ko #Me Ni #Ni Me #Ko Ra #Hu By #Vy Su #La Go #Po Ti #Fy De #Ton An<

Charlotte Tilbury #Ichneumon ⬗
@Synapse ⮉ Synapse 1010 Cap
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years
4 Year Continuous Assault
Vicious Nature Enhanced +102

Charlotte Tilbury #Ichneumon ⬘
@Synapse ⮈ Synapse 1001 #IRES
20:20 #RE-Cord
Re-#CORD #Score
Like an Addict I RE-#LOAD
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years
#Reiteration #Engine
(-)ssRNA Virus #MECHANIC

Charlotte Tilbury #Ichneumon ⬖
Synapse ⮋ @Synapse 1000 #UTR
In The Untranslated Region
20:20 #MetaFactors
20:20 #FORM-ulating
Mind-Altering Neuro-Virus
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

Charlotte Tilbury #Ichneumon ⬙
@Synapse ⮊ Synapse 0111 #AUG
20:20 Shimma Shimma
20:20 @CDS CDS
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

Charlotte Tilbury #Ichneumon ⬗
Synapse ⮉ @Synapse 0110 #CDS
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years
4 Year Continuous Assault

Charlotte Tilbury #Ichneumon ⬘
@Synapse ⮈ Synapse 0101 #CDS
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 @PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

Charlotte Tilbury #Ichneumon ⬖
@Synapse ⮋ Synapse 0100 #CDS
An De @Ti Go
An De @Ti Go
An @De Ti Go
An @De Ti Go
Rabola in The #Tabulation
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

Charlotte Tilbury #Ichneumon ⬙
Synapse ⮊ @Synapse 0011 #Pack
02/14/22 to 02/14/18
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

Charlotte Tilbury #Ichneumon ⬗
@Synapse ⮉ Synapse 0010 UTR
In The Untranslated Region
20:20 #MetaFactors
20:20 #Form-ulating
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

Charlotte Tilbury #Ichneumon ⬘
@Synapse ⮈ Synapse 0001 #Tail
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

20:20 The Red Nun 808 Turns Over a Card
The Card is Divided into Four Sections, At The Center of The Card Where The Four Sections Meet, See The Symbol 'Su' in Silver
On The Top Left Section of The Card, See a Nun in a Red Habit. The Red Nun Stands On Top of The Name 'SATAN', 'SATAN' is in Black. Above The Red Nun, See The Symbol 'Hexy+33' in Black; Above 'Hexy+33', See an Ace of Hearts Card. The Red Nun Has Four Arms:
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a Silver 4-Pronged Trident; See a Glowing White '+777' on The Trident
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds an Electrified Black Double-Ended Dildo; See a Glowing White '+999' on The Double-Ended Dildo
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Bullwhip; See a Glowing White '+666' on The Bullwhip
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Silver Curling Iron; See a Black '9-6' on The Curling Iron.
To The Red Nun's Right; See an Image of Debra Lynn Bonner. Debra Bonner Stands On Top of a Silver '66'. Debra Bonner Wears Silver Leather Thigh-Boots with Silver Spurs with Black Leather Spur Straps; a Triple-Strand Necklace of Red&White Beads; Silver Leather Opera Gloves; a Black '♠' for an Earring in Her Right Ear; and a Silver '41' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear. See a Black '+9' on Each of Debra Bonner's Boots; See a Glowing White '+3' on Each of Debra Bonner's Spur Straps; See a Glowing White '+9' on Debra Bonner's Vagina; See a Glowing White '+3' on Each of Debra Bonner's Opera Gloves. A Pair of Glowing White Ram's Horns are Attached to Debra Bonner's Head; an Electrified Black Serpent is Wrapped Around Her Left Horn. A Pair of Red Angel Wings are Attached to Debra Bonner's Back. See a Red CBS Eye Between Debra Bonner's Breasts. See a Disco Ball Above Debra Bonner; See The Symbol '#iDebra' in Red on The Disco Ball; See '65664' in Blue On The Disco Ball. Debra Bonner Has Four Arms:
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Lit Cigar
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Pink Rectangular Box Labeled 'Hotel California 66/6' in Silver.
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a Silver Battle Mace; See a Glowing White '+808' on The Battle Mace
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Silver Horseshoe; See a Black 'By' on The Horseshoe.
To The Red Nun's Left, See an Image of Rebecca Jarvis. Rebecca Jarvis is Mounted on a Silver Oval. Rebecca Jarvis is Nude, Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Glowing White '+999' on Rebecca Jarvis' Vagina; See a Glowing White '+666' on Rebecca Jarvis' Forehead. See a Black Keyhole Between Rebecca Jarvis' Breasts. A Pair of Black&Silver Striped Impala Horns are Attached to Rebecca Jarvis' Head. See a 4 of Hearts Card Between Rebecca Jarvis' Horns. Above The Silver Oval, See a Chessboard; See 3 Pieces on The Chessboard. Below The Silver Oval, See a Pair of Red Roller-Skates with Electrified Black Wheels; See a Glowing White '+808' on Each Skate. To Rebecca Jarvis' Left, See a Pitching Machine.
The Background on The Section is Milky White.
At Top Center on Section, See The Word 'Plasma' in Silver.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Black Baboon; With Both Hands, The Black Baboon Holds a Silver Flashlight (On).
On The Bottom Left Section of The Card, See a Nun in a Red Habit. The Red Nun Sits on The Back of a Silver Horse. Above The Red Nun, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'λIRIS'. Above 'λIRIS', See The Word 'Transmission' in Red. The Red Nun Has Four Arms:
With Her Upper Right and Upper Left Hands, She Holds a Silver Shepherdess Staff Raised Over Her Head; See a Black Bow on The Shepherdess Staff; See an Ace of Clubs Card on The Bow; See a Black '+18,000' on The Shepherdess' Staff; See a Glowing White '-18,000' on The Shepherdess' Staff.
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Red Pistol; See a Glowing White '+909' on The Pistol
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a White Pistol; See a Black '+606' on The Pistol.
To The Red Nun's Right, See an Image of Rebecca Marrero. Rebecca Marrero Stands On Top of a Silver '28'. Rebecca Marrero Wears Blue&Silver Platform Mary Jane Pumps; White&Blue Thigh-High Striped Socks; a Blue Denim Jacket; a Silver Rope Chain Necklace with a Silver '7x13' Pendant; 4 Silver Bangle Bracelets on Her Right Wrist; 1 Bracelet of Gold Skulls on Her Left Wrist; a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger; a Blue Sequin Gatsby Cap; a Black 'ε' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; and a Silver Arrowhead Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear. See a Glowing White '+720' on Each of Rebecca Marrero's Shoes; See a Black '+440' on Each of Her Socks; See a Glowing White '+999' on Her Vagina; See a Glowing White '+666' on Her Jean Jacket; See a Glowing White '+707' on Her Gatsby Cap. Above Rebecca Marrero, See The Symbol 'HISI+21' in Glowing Blue. Above 'HISI+21', See The Symbol 'Vicious+Ton' in Glowing White; Above 'Vicious+Ton', See a Composition Book; See 'Drama Quεεn 66/6' in Blue, in The Label Field. With Her Right Hand; Rebecca Marrero Holds a Red Hitachi Magic Wand with a Black Head; See a Glowing Gold '+909' on The Hitachi Magic Wand. With Her Left Hand, Rebecca Marrero Holds a Nzappa Zap; See a Glowing White '+899' on Rebecca Marrero's Nzappa Zap.
To The Red Nun's Left, See an Image of Katie Steiner. Katie Steiner Stands On Top of a Silver Medusa Head; See a Gold Pinocchio Head in The Medusa's Open Mouth; See a Blaberus Giganteus on The Medusa's Forehead. Katie Steiner Wears Silver Ballerina Slippers; Blue Fishnet Stockings; a Bronze Garter on Her Right Thigh; a Blue&Black Checkered Leather Mini-Skirt; a Silver Rope Chain Necklace with a Silver 'Dagger' Pendant; a Black Leather,Silver,Turquoise&Pearl Choker Necklace; and a Silver Head Chain. See a Black '+808' on Each of Katie Steiner's Ballet Slippers; See a Glowing White '+440' on Each of Her Stockings; See a Glowing White '+789' on Her Skirt; See a Glowing Gold 'KO' on Her Skirt. See The Symbol 'HC+4' in Black Between Katie Steiner's Breasts. A Pair of Silver Antelope Horns Are Attached to Katie Steiner's Head. See a Black 'ε' On Katie Steiner's Left Horn; a Red Serpent is Wrapped Around Katie Steiner's Right Horn. See a Blue '47' Between Katie Steiner's Horns. Above Katie Steiner's Horns, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'BALLROOM'. On Top of 'BALLROOM', See a Gold Trophy Cup; See a Red '460' on The Trophy Cup. Katie Steiner is Armed.
The Background on The Section is Black.
At Top Center on Section, See a Pair of Blue Leather Opera Gloves; See a Glowing Gold '+16,000' on Each Glove; See a Glowing Gold 'KOxRa' on The Left Hand Glove.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a White 6-Sided Die; See 2 Black Dots Displayed on The Die.
On The Bottom Right Section of The Card, See a Nun in a Red Habit (Headdress Only). The Red Nun Stands On Top of The Word 'BULLET'; 'BULLET' is in Silver. See a Glowing Gold '+81,000' on The Red Nun's Vagina; See a Black '+108,000' on The Red Nun's Forehead. Above The Red Nun, See The Symbol 'SAVVY+San' in Black; On Top of 'SAVVY+San', See a Silver 4-Headed Hydra with 4 Flaming Silver Sex Demon Heads for Heads. The Head on The Left has Black Flames; The Second Head from The Left has Black Flames; The Third Head from The Left has Green Flames; The Head on The Right has Black Flames. The Red Nun's Arms Have Been Removed at The Shoulders. See a Gold CBS Eye Between The Red Nun's Breasts.
To The Red Nun's Right, See a Black Headless Woman. The Black Headless Woman Stands On Top of a Glowing White '66/6'. The Black Headless Woman Wears Red Lace-Up Knee-High Boots with Glowing White Laces; Glowing White Panties; a Silver Link Chain Necklace with a Glowing White '808' Pendant; and a Silver Cuff Bracelet on Each Wrist. See an Upside-Down Black '?' Symbol on The Front of The Black Headless Woman's Panties. See a Glowing Gold '+14,000' on Each of The Black Headless Woman's Boots; See a Glowing White '+9609' on Each of The Black Headless Woman's Cuff Bracelets. Above The Black Headless Woman, See The Name 'Chhinnamastika' in Silver. Above 'Chhinnamastika', See a C-3PO Head; See The Symbol 'Tonde' in Black on C-3PO's Forehead. The Black Headless Woman Has Four Arms:
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a Bronze Scimitar; See a Black '$' on The Blade of The Scimitar
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Silver Scimitar; See The Word 'Language' in Blue on The Blade of The Scimitar
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Gold Scimitar; See The Word 'KEY' in Red on The Blade of The Scimitar
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Platinum Scimitar; See The Word 'Generate' in Green on The Blade of The Scimitar.
To The Red Nun's Left, See a Rottweiler. The Rottweiler Stands On Top of a Silver Sphere; See '41241' in Blue on The Sphere. Above The Rottweiler, See an Ace of Diamonds Card. Above The Ace of Diamonds Card, See The Symbol 'SWIFT+44' in Glowing Gold. Above 'SWIFT+44', See a Manhole Cover; See The Symbol 'Su' in White on The Manhole Cover. The Rottweiler Holds a Gold Relay Baton in Her Mouth; See The Symbol 'Vy' in Black on The Relay Baton.
The Background on The Section is Pink
At Top Center on Section, See a Round Wicker Basket
At Bottom Center on Section, See an Orca.
On The Top Right Section of The Card, See a Nun in a Red Habit. The Red Nun Sits On a Silver Throne with Black Cushions, and 2 Black Serpentine Dragons for Armrests. The Dragon on The Right Has a Gold Baseball Mitt in Its Mouth. The Dragon on The Left Has a 4-Ball (Billiards) in Its Mouth. See a Pink Koala on Top of The Throne's Backrest. Above The Throne, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'PILLAR'. Above 'PILLAR', See a Green Street Sign; See 'Plasma St.' in Silver on The Street Sign. With Her Right Hand, The Red Nun Holds a Glowing White Sheet of Paper; See The Words 'WORK ORDER' in Black on The Paper. With Her Left Hand, The Red Nun Holds a Full Glass of Orange Juice; See a Green Bendy Straw in The Glass. In Front of The Red Nun's Feet, See a Monitor Lizard.
To The Red Nun's Right, See a Black Lamassu; Above The Black Lamassu, See a Silver Chess Rook; See a Glowing Gold '+360,000' on The Chess Rook.
To The Red Nun's Left, See a Green Lamassu; Above The Green Lamassu; See an Ace of Spades Card; See a Red Monopoly Game Hotel at The Center of The Ace of Spades Card.
The Background on The Section is Cement Gray.
At Top Center on Section, See a Flaming Sword.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Gold Chalice.
>#An Ton #De Fy #Ti Po #Go La #Su Vy #By Hu #Ra Ko #Me Ni #Ni Me #Ko Ra #Hu By #Vy Su #La Go #Po Ti #Fy De #Ton An<

Sydney Nicole #NeuroVirus ⮔
#Implement #Syndrome ⮜ Cap
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 @PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

Sydney Nicole #NeuroVirus ⮊
#Pathogenic #SexDrive ⮟ ⮅ 109
@YouTube as @IRES
20:20 RE-Cord
Re-CORD Score
Like an Addict I RE-LOAD
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

Sydney Nicole #NeuroVirus ⮉
#Pathogenic #SexDrive ⮞ ⮆ 85
Untranslated Region
20:20 Meta-Factors
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years
Mind-Altering Neuro-Virus

Sydney Nicole #NeuroVirus ⮈
#Pathogenic #SexDrive ⮝ ⮇ 64
#AUG Shimma Shimma
I-103 #Deliver Analog
20:20 CDS @CDS
"My Personal Information
Is None of Your Business
This is Not a Conversation"

Sydney Nicole #NeuroVirus ⮋
#Pathogenic #SexDrive ⮜ ⮄ 46
#SubGenomic #mRNA #Base
1.) #C <216> #Ground
2.) #N <454> #Contact
3.) #E <132> #Read
4.) #W <645> #Relay
5.) #S <323> #LoopReel
Beatin' 'em w/The BASICS
This is The Super Virus Game

Sydney Nicole #NeuroVirus ⮊
#Pathogenic #SexDrive ⮟ ⮅ 31
#Reiteration #Engine
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 @PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

Sydney Nicole #NeuroVirus ⮉
#Pathogenic #SexDrive ⮞ ⮆ 19
20:20 #ShiftKey
20:20 #MakeShift
An De Ti @Go
An De Ti @Go
An De @Ti Go
An @De Ti Go
20:20 Mirror @Mirror
Satellite Reflect
20:20 GAIN
#M104 #Accelerator

Sydney Nicole #NeuroVirus ⮈
#Pathogenic #SexDrive ⮝ ⮇ 10
02/14/22 to 02/14/18
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years
4 Year Continuous Assault

Sydney Nicole #NeuroVirus ⮋
#Pathogenic #SexDrive ⮜ ⮄ 4
In The Untranslated Region
20:20 #MetaFactors
20:20 #Form-ulating
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

Sydney Nicole #NeuroVirus ⮊
#Pathogenic #SexDrive ⮟ ⮅ 1
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years
4 Year Continuous Assault


20:20 Abigail Folger 99 Turns Over a Card
The Card is Divided into 4 Sections, at The Center of The Card where The 4 Sections Meet,
See an Energizer 6 Volt Lantern Battery
In The Upper Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Kim Kardashian. Kim Kardashian Sits on a Black Throne with Silver Cushions, and 2 Silver Missiles For Armrests. See a White '22133' on The Throne. See a Jungle Cat on Top of The Throne's Backrest. See a Glowing Blue 'Swift+2' on The Jungle Cat. Kim Kardashian Wears Black Pointed-Toe Kitten Heel Mary Janes; a Black&Silver Leopard Print Long-Sleeved Silk Dress; a Green Serpent Coiled Around Her Right Wrist; a Set of Glowing White Brass Knuckles on Her Left Hand; a Black&Green Bead Necklace; and a Mini 4-Ball (Billiards) Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear. See a Glowing Blue '+22' on Each of Kim Kardashian's Shoes; See a Glowing Gold '+25' on Her Dress; See a Glowing Blue '+18' on The Serpent; See a Black '+19' on Her Brass Knuckles; See a Glowing Gold 'KO' on Her Necklace. A Pair of Glowing White Impala Horns are Attached to Kim Kardashian's Head; a Black Serpent is Coiled Around Her Left Horn, See a Glowing Pink '+29' on The Serpent. Between Kim Kardashian's Horns, See a Gold 15 Puzzle with Green Numbers. Above The Throne, See The Symbol 'CHARISMA+2' in Glowing White. Above 'CHARISMA+2', See a Pink Bowling Ball, See a Silver '64' on The Bowling Ball. Kim Kardashian Sits with Her Left Leg Crossed Over Her Right Leg. With Her Right Hand, Kim Kardashian Holds a Glowing Blue Key.
To Kim Kardashian's Right, See a Hyena. The Hyena Stands On Top of a Black Sphere; See The Symbol 'Hardcore+4' in Silver on The Sphere. Above The Hyena, See The Symbol 'Vicious+4' in Black. Above 'Vicious+4', See 2 Rubik's Cubes.
To Kim Kardashian's Left, See an Image of Avril D. Haines. Avril Haines is Mounted on a Black&Green Pogo Stick. Avril Haines Wears Black&Green Checkered Slip On Shoes; White Tube Socks with 2 Green Stripes on Each Sock; a Green Cotton Crochet Skirt; a Green T-Shirt, See The Word 'Dynamic' in Silver on The Front of The T-Shirt; Black&Green Checkered Leather Opera Gloves; a Paperclip Chain Necklace (Blue&Red); and a Green Pointy Witch Hat with a Black Band, See a 3 of Spades Card Tucked Halfway Behind The Band on Avril Haines' Hat. See a Glowing Gold '+31' on Each of Avril Haines' Shoes; See a Glowing Gold '+31' on Each of Avril Haines' Socks; See a Glowing Gold '+31' on Her Skirt; See a Glowing Gold '+31' on Her Shirt; See a Glowing Gold '+36' on Each of Her Gloves; See a Glowing Pink 'KO' on Her Right Glove; See a Glowing Gold 'KO' on Her Left Glove; See a Glowing Gold '+27' on Her Necklace; See a Glowing Blue '+36' on Her Hat. Above Avril Haines, See '808 Freak Pussy 808' in Gold. Above '808 Freak Pussy 808', See 'LUST+10' in Glowing Blue.
The Background on The Section is Silver.
At Top Center on Section, See a Black Medusa Head; See a Glowing Blue Die in Medusa's Open Mouth, See 2 Silver Dots Displayed on The Die.
At Bottom Center on Section, See The Symbol 'LRRH-96' in Pink.
In The Upper Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Sarah Butler. Sarah Butler Stands on Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'SOPHIA'. Sarah Butler Wears Blue Roller-Skates with Glowing White Laces and Electrified Black Wheels; Blue&White Vertical Striped Thigh-High Socks; a Platinum,Ruby&Blue Topaz Chandelier Necklace; 3 Diamond-Studded Platinum Bangle Bracelets on Her Upper Right Wrist; a Bronze Upper-Arm Bangle on Her Upper Right Arm; a Freddy Krueger Glove on Her Lower Right Hand; a Platinum Cuff Bracelet on Her Upper Left Wrist; a Double-Strand Pearl Bracelet on Her Lower Left Wrist; a Platinum 'Su' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Platinum '2' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear. See a Glowing Gold '+36' on Each of Sarah Butler's Skates; See a Glowing Pink '+34' on Each of Her Socks; See a Glowing Gold '+41' on Her Vagina; See a Glowing Pink '+36' on Her Necklace; See a Glowing Blue '+40' on Her Freddy Krueger Glove; See a Glowing Blue '+27' on Her Cuff Bracelet; See a Glowing Pink 'KO' on Her Pearl Bracelet. A Pair of Blue&Black Striped Ram's Horns are Attached to Sarah Butler's Head; See a Glowing Gold '+31' on Each of Sarah Butler's Horns; See a Bronze Garter on Sarah Butler's Right Horn. A Pair of Platinum Angel Wings are Attached to Sarah Butler's Back, See a Glowing Gold '+31' on Each of Her Wings. A Penis is Attached to Sarah Butler's Body, Above Her Vagina; Sarah Butler Has an Erection. See a Glowing Gold '+31' on Sarah Butler's Penis. Above Sarah Butler, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'ANTIVIRUS'. Above 'ANTIVIRUS', See a Platinum CBS Eye; Above The CBS Eye, See '11431' in Black. Sarah Butler Has Four Arms:
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a Volcanic Pistol; See a Glowing Blue '+41' on The Pistol
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Platinum Hacksaw; See a Glowing Gold '+31' on The Hacksaw
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Black Genie Lamp; See a Mr. Yuk Sticker on The Genie Lamp.
To Sarah Butler's Right, See an Image of Georgeann Hawkins. Georgeann Hawkins Stands On Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'STRING'. Georgeann Hawkins Wears Black&Silver Tiger-Striped Galoshes; a Black&Silver Tiger-Striped High-Collared Cape; Black&Silver Tiger-Striped Leather Opera Gloves; and a Black&Silver Tiger-Striped Sombrero. See a Glowing Blue '+33' on Each of Georgeann Hawkins Galoshes; See a Glowing Blue '+41' on Her Vagina; See a Glowing Gold '+33' on Her Cape; See a Glowing Blue '+33' on Her Cape; See a Glowing Gold '+36' on Each of Her Opera Gloves; See a Glowing Gold '+36' on Her Sombrero. A Penis is Attached to Georgeann Hawkins' Body, Above Her Vagina; Georgeann Hawkins Has an Erection; See a Glowing Blue '+31' on Her Penis. Above Georgeann Hawkins, See The Word 'Dungeon' in Black. Above 'Dungeon', See a Black LP Record with a Red Label; See 'Gai-Jin' in Platinum on The Label. Georgeann Hawkins Has Four Arms:
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a Rectangular White Box Labeled 'Terror Dome 111: Tisiphone's Throne' in Silver; See 5 Platinum 5-Point Stars on The Box
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Platinum Hitachi Magic Wand with a Glowing Pink Head; See a Glowing Gold '+36' on The Magic Wand
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Platinum Steering Wheel; See a Glowing Orange 'Gamer+4' on The Steering Wheel
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Platinum Pear of Anguish; See a Bronze Butterfly Centipede on The Pear of Anguish.
To Sarah Butler's Left, See an Image of Gisele Lovvorn. Gisele Lovvorn Stands On Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'LORE'. Gisele Lovvorn Wears a Hooded White Robe, and a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger; On Gisele Lovvorn's Robe, See a Platinum Bicycle, a Gold Fire Hydrant, 7 Silver Bullets, a Bronze Tugboat, an Arctic Fox (White Fur), The Symbol 'Succubus+4' in Black, a Queen of Clubs Card, a Jack of Clubs Card, and a Platinum Medusa Head. Above Gisele Lovvorn, See a Platinum '20:20'; Above '20:20', See a Four-Armed Platinum Fairy.
With Her Upper Left Hand, The Fairy Holds a Red Baton;
With Her Lower Left Hand, The Fairy Holds a Red Baton;
With Her Upper Right Hand, The Fairy Holds a Black Baton;
On Her Lower Right Hand, The Fairy Wears a Green Baseball Mitt.
With Her Right Hand, Gisele Lovvorn Holds a Platinum Shepherdess Staff with a Green Bow; See The Symbol 'Fury+4' in Black on The Bow; See a Glowing Blue '+31' on The Staff; See a Glowing Gold '+41' on The Staff; See The Symbol 'Hyena x 4' in Black on The Staff. With Her Left Hand, Gisele Lovvorn Holds a Syringe (Needle Attached).
The Background on The Section is Green.
At Top Center on Section, See The Name 'Sarah' in Platinum
At Bottom Center on Section, See 'So a Node' in Platinum.
In The Lower Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Rebecca Jarvis. Rebecca Jarvis Sits at The Center on a Black Leather Couch. Rebecca Jarvis Sits Slouched on The Couch with Her Legs Spread, Her Right Leg is Draped Over The Left Leg of The Character to Her Right. Rebecca Jarvis Wears Black Mary Jane Pumps; Black Stockings; Red Garters; a Gold Rope Chain Necklace with Diamond-Studded Gold 'SLUT+5' Pendant; a Black Leather Opera Glove on Her Right Hand&Arm; a Red Leather Opera Glove on Her Left Hand&Arm; and a Green Eyeshade, See The Symbol 'Titon' in Gold on The Green Eyeshade. See a Glowing Gold '+40' on Each of Rebecca Jarvis' Shoes; See a Glowing Blue '+36' on Each of Her Stockings; See a Glowing Gold 'Lust+5' on Each of Her Garters; See a Glowing Gold '+42' on Her Vagina; See a Glowing Gold '+39' on Her Right Opera Glove; See a Glowing Blue '+36' on Her Left Opera Glove. A Penis is Attached to Rebecca Jarvis' Body, Above Her Vagina; Rebecca Jarvis Has an Erection. See a Black '+41' on Her Penis. Above Rebecca Jarvis, See a Black Ram's Head with Razor-Wire Wrapped Around The Horns. Above The Ram's Head, See '56255' in Black.
Seated To Rebecca Jarvis' Right, See an Image of Megan Stevenson. Megan Stevenson Wears Silver Ballerina Flats; Black&Silver Tiger-Striped Stockings; Silver Garters; 2 Rubber Bands On Her Right Wrist (One Black, One Red); a Green&Red Bead Cuff Bracelet on Her Left Wrist; a Black Leather Cord Necklace with a Silver '777' Pendant; a Mini 12-Ball (Billiards) Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a Razor Blade Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Head Garland of Green Serpents and Black,Red&White Flowers. See a Glowing Blue '+40' on Each of Megan Stevenson's Shoes; See a Glowing Blue '+40' on Each of Her Stockings; See Glowing Pink '+31' on Each of Her Garters; See a Glowing Blue '+48' on Her Vagina; See a Glowing Pink 'KO' on Her Cuff Bracelet; See a Glowing Gold '+42' on Her Head Garland. A Penis is Attached to Megan Stevenson's Body, Above Her Vagina, Megan Stevenson Has an Erection. See a Black '+48' on Her Penis. Above Megan Stevenson, See The Word 'Horological' in Green. With Her Right Hand, Rebecca Jarvis Grips Megan Stevenson's Penis. Megan Stevenson's Left Hand is on Rebecca Jarvis' Right Thigh. With Her Right Hand, Megan Stevenson Holds a Rectangular Black Box Labeled 'Emily Charlottte: Hell Mall Safaris II 66/6' in Pink; See 4 Gold 5-Point Stars on The Box.
Seated To Rebecca Jarvis' Left, See an Image of Jen York. Jen York Wears Black Pointed-Toe T-Strap Pumps; a Black Sequin Evening Gown; and a Bracelet of Black 6-Sided Dice with Red Dots on Her Left Wrist. See a Glowing Blue '+31' on Each of Jen York's Shoes; See a Glowing Gold '+41' on Her Gown; See a Glowing Blue '+41' on Her Gown. Jen York is Leaning to Her Right, Performing Fellatio on Rebecca Jarvis. Rebbeca Jarvis' Left Hand is on The Back of Jen York's Head. Jen York Holds a Bronze Cassette Tape with Her Left Hand. Above Jen York, See The Word 'Demonology' in Black.
The Background on The Section is Pink.
At Top Center on Section, See a Jar Full of Glowing Orange Capsules
At Bottom Center on Section, See 'Isaiah 6:9' in Green.
In The Lower Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Sarah Silverman. Sarah Silverman Stands on Top of a Black '66'. Sarah Silverman Wears Platinum Converse All-Stars; White Tube Socks with 2 Red Stripes on Each Sock; a Blue Crop Top T-Shirt, See The Symbol 'Sick Bitch+9' in White on The Front of Her T-Shirt; and a Red Headband, See '63665' in Black on Sarah Silverman's Headband. See a Glowing Gold '+43' on Each of Sarah Silverman's Shoes; See a Glowing Blue '+40' on Each of Her Socks; See a Black '+50' on Her Vagina. A Penis is Attached to Sarah Silverman's Body, Above Her Vagina. Sarah Silverman Has an Erection; See a Glowing White '+50' on Sarah Silverman's Penis. Above Sarah Silverman, See The Symbol 'HC+4'. Above 'HC+4', See The Term 'Hyena Queen' in Black. With Her Right Hand, Sarah Silverman Holds a Rectangular Blue Box Labeled 'Satan's Court 66/6' in Gold; See 5 Platinum 5-Point Stars on The Box. With Her Left Hand, Sarah Silverman Holds a Gold Scale (Scales Balanced).
To Sarah Silverman's Right, See an Orangutan Holding a Platinum Tragedy Mask.
To Sarah Silverman's Left, See an Orangutan Holding a Platinum Comedy Mask.
The Background on The Section is Milky White.
At Top Center on Section, See The Name 'Sarah' in Platinum
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Platinum Trophy Cup; See 'FUCKER' in Blue on The Trophy Cup.
In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See The Number '514' in Black
In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Pink 12-Hour Clock Face with Black Arms
In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Piece of Firewood
In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Black Billiards Triangle
<20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>
>#An Ton #De Fy #Ti Po #Go La #Su Vy #By Hu #Ra Ko #Me Ni #Ni Me #Ko Ra #Hu By #Vy Su #La Go #Po Ti #Fy De #Ton An<

The Card is Divided into Four Sections, At The Center of The Card Where The Four Sections Meet, See a Gold Super 8 Film Projector.
On The Top Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Therese Brandl. Therese Brandl Stands on Top of a Black '#FEAR62'. Therese Brandl Wears a Long-Sleeved Black Sequin Dress, Black Peep-Toe Platform Slingback Pumps, a Gold Link Chain Bracelet on Her Left Wrist, a Pearl Necklace, and a Silver Rope Chain Necklace with a Silver Bullet Pendant. A Pair of Black Ram's Horns are Attached to Therese Brandl's Head; a White Serpent is Wrapped Around Therese Brandl's Right Horn. A Black Serpent is Wrapped Around Therese Brandl's Right Wrist and Forearm. Above Therese Brandl, See a Gold Miquiztli Symbol. With Her Right Hand, Therese Brandl Holds a R/C Car Controller. With Her Left Hand, Therese Brandl Holds a Wonder Woman PrestoMagiX Rub-Down Transfer Game.
To Therese Brandl's Left, See an Image of Jen York. Jen York Sits in a Zebra Print Armchair. Jen York Wears Gold Track Shoes, a Gold Catsuit, and a Green Eyeshade. Above Jen York, See The Name 'λIRIS' in Black. Above 'λIRIS', See The Symbol 'By' in Gold. Jen York Sits with Her Legs Uncrossed. See a Chausie on Top of The Chair's Backrest. Jen York Holds a Full Milk Bottle with Her Right Hand, She Holds a 3 of Hearts Card with Her Left Hand. A Green Serpent is Wrapped Around Jen York's Left Wrist and Forearm.
To Therese Brandl's Right, See an Image of Chanin Starbuck. Chanin Starbuck Stands on Top of a Neon Green Sign That Displays 'HEX'. Chanin Starbuck Wears Black Leather Lace-Up Knee-High Platform Boots with Green Laces, Black Panties, a Diamond&Emerald Necklace, and Black Silk Opera Gloves. See a Green '?' Symbol on The Front of Chanin Starbuck's Panties. See a Gold Coin Between Chanin Starbuck's Breasts; Above The Gold Coin, See The Symbol 'x42' in Glowing White. Above Chanin Starbuck, See The Symbol '#QuickLoad' in Green. On Top of '#QuickLoad', See a Platinum Speedy Gonzales. Chanin Starbuck has Four Arms,
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a 4-Pointed Throwing Star.
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Hot Water Bottle (Red), See a Gold 'ε' on The Hot Water Bottle.
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Pink Teddy Bear.
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Manila File Folder, See The Symbol '#Cruelty 66/6' on The File Folder.
The Background on The Section is White.
On The Bottom Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Lisa Yates. Lisa Yates Stands on Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'VENOM'. Lisa Yates Wears Gold Gladiator Boots; a Gold Skater Skirt; a Diamond, Ruby&Sapphire Necklace; 1 Green Bead Bracelet on Her Left Wrist; a Black Feather Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; a Black Captain's Hat; and Black Fingerless Leather Gloves. A White Serpent is Wrapped Around Lisa Yates' Shoulders and Torso. Above Lisa Yates, See The Word 'Viper' in Gold. Above 'Viper', See a Gold Patch, See The Symbol '66/6' in Black on The Patch. With Her Left Hand, Lisa Yates Holds a Gold 8-Track Tape; See The Name 'Kalevala' in Black on The 8-Track. With Her Right Hand, Lisa Yates Holds a Black Croquet Mallet, See a Gold '19' on The Head of The Croquet Mallet.
To Lisa Yates' Right, See an Image of Anna Wintour. Anna Wintour is Mounted on a Black Hexagon. Anna Wintour is Nude Except for a Black Slave Collar on Her Neck; Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Mr. Yuk Sticker Between Anna Wintour's Breasts. See a Green&Black Butterfly on Top of Anna Wintour's Head. See Four Black Ants Above Anna Wintour's Vagina. Above The Black Hexagon, See The Word 'Mount' in Black. Above 'Mount', See a 10 of Clubs Card.
To Lisa Yates' Left. See an Image of Kathryn Ruemmler. Kathryn Ruemmler Stands on Top of a Platinum Sex Demon Head, See The Symbol 'x3' Between The Sex Demon Head's Eyes. Kathryn Ruemmler Wears Gold Ballet Slippers, a Sleeveless White Fishnet Bodysuit, White Panties, a Gold Rope Chain Necklace with a Gold '42' Pendant, a Gold Upper Arm Bangle on Her Right Arm, and a Gold Scrunchie on Her Left Wrist. A Pair of White&Black Striped Antelope Horns are Attached to Kathryn Ruemmler's Head. Between Kathryn Ruemmler's Horns, See a Gold Arrowhead. Above Kathryn Ruemmler's Horns, See a 9 of Spades Card. With Her Right Hand, Kathryn Ruemmler Holds a Clear Plastic 1-Gallon Measuring Pitcher Full of Legos. With Her Left Hand, Kathryn Ruemmler Holds a HP-42S Calculator.
The Background on The Section is Pink.
On The Bottom Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Anna Kendrick. Anna Kendrick Stands On Top of a Gold 'D&D'. Anna Kendrick Wears a White Mermaid Evening Gown, a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Glowing Red Skull Pendant, and a Jade Bangle on Her Left Wrist. Above Anna Kendrick's Head, See a Glowing Red Halo; Above The Red Halo, See a Glowing Yellow Halo. See a Glowing Green Halo Above The Yellow Halo; Above The Green Halo, See a Glowing Blue Halo. Above The Blue Halo, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'Intelligence'. Above 'Intelligence', See a Gold '78'. With Her Right Hand, Anna Kendrick Holds 4 Gold Darts. With Her Left Hand, Anna Kendrick Holds a Yellow Phone Book.
To Anna Kendrick's Right, See an Image of Rebecca Marrero. Rebecca Marrero Stands on Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'MAP'. Rebecca Marrero Wears Black Platform Slingback Pumps, a Blue Catsuit, a Gold Rope-Chain Necklace with a Glowing Red '♦' Pendant, a Gold '2' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a Gold '8' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger. A Pair of Gold Ram's Horns are Attached to Rebecca Marrero's Head; a Black Serpent is Wrapped Around The Left Horn. Above Rebecca Marrero, See a Roulette Wheel. Above The Roulette Wheel, See a NEMA 5-15 Plug on a Black Cord that's Attached to the Roulette Wheel. With Her Right Hand, Rebecca Marrero Holds a Head of Iceberg Lettuce. With Her Left Hand, Rebecca Marrero Holds The Dungeons and Dragons 'Greyhawk' Supplement Booklet.
To Anna Kendrick's Left, See an Image of Demi Moore. Demi Moore Stands on Top of a Gold '22'. Demi Moore Wears a Hooded White Robe; On Demi Moore's Robe, See a Gold Bowling Pin, a Pair of Black&White Zebra Print Boxing Gloves, a Blue 'εoεε', a Rifle Scope, a Dolphin, a Pair of Red Roller-Skates with Red Wheels, a Black Keyhole, a Giant House Spider, a Spiked Leather Collar, a Gold Ken Doll, a Blue Ice Chest with a White Lid, 10 Gummy Worms, a Gold Music Stand, and a Mop. Above Demi Moore, See a 45 Record with a Red Label (See 'Route 66' in Black on The Label). Above The 45 Record, See a Twister Spinner (Game). With Her Right Hand, Demi Moore Holds a Pack of Playing Cards. With Her Left Hand, Demi Moore Holds a Polaroid Sun 600 Camera.
The Background on The Section is Black.
On The Top Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Marissa Mayer. Marissa Mayer Stands on Top of a Platinum '22'. Marissa Mayer is Nude, Her Body is Painted Black from The Neck Down; Over The Black, See Rows of Red Binary Code Strings. See a Glowing White Chalice On Top of Marissa Mayer's Head; See a Platinum CBS Eye on The Chalice. Above The Chalice, See a Disco Ball. With Her Left Hand, Marissa Mayer Holds a 16-Keypad. With Her Right Hand, Marissa Mayer Holds a Platinum Hitachi Magic Wand.
To Marissa Mayer's Right, See a Nun in a Red Habit. The Red Nun Stands on Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'BOND'. Above The Red Nun, See a Horseshoe Magnet. With Both Hands, The Red Nun Holds a Leatherbound Brown Book in Front of Her Abdomen; See The Name 'Betty Crocker' in Platinum on The Front of The Book.
To Marissa Mayer's Left, See an Image of Dana Haynes. Dana Haynes Stands On Top of a Black '35'. Dana Haynes Wears Platinum Kitten Heel Peep Toe D'Orsay Shoes, Red Stockings, Platinum Garters, Platinum Panties, a White Feather Boa, a Black Feather Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, a Diamond&Sapphire Necklace, and Red Opera Gloves. See a Pink '@' Symbol on The Front of Dana Haynes' Panties. On Top of Dana Haynes' Head, See a Platinum RCA 44 Ribbon Microphone. Above The Microphone, See a Human Brain; See a Gold '+' Symbol on The Brain. Dana Haynes Holds a Gold Quill Pen with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Chain of 7 Paperclips with Her Left Hand.
The Background on The Section is Red.
The Card's Margin is Silver. At Top Center on The Card's Margin, See a Green '92'. On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '#MorphZone' in Black.
>#An Ton #De Fy #Ti Po #Go La #Su Vy #By Hu #Ra Ko #Me Ni #Ni Me #Ko Ra #Hu By #Vy Su #La Go #Po Ti #Fy De #Ton An<

The Devil's House

  20:20 Abigail Folger 99 Turns Over a Card The Card is Divided into 4 Sections, at The Center of The Card where The 4 Sections Meet, See an...